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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Savings! Savings! Savings!

I took a trip to Babies R Us yesterday and saved $85 on 6 containers of formula. So, that got me wondering, what do the rest of you do to save $$$ on everyday items like diapers, formula, baby food, etc.?

At BRU, I was able to combine the 6 manufacture coupons I had for formula and the 7 "check like" coupons I had from Similac.  They were each worth $5, plus I used the BRU coupon that provided me with a $20 gift card to use on my next purchase.  As a bonus, the formula was on sale, so needless to say, I was a proud lady walking out of BRU!

One thing I do often, besides shop on Amazon, is use the Amazon app on my iPhone.  It allows you to scan barcodes to see if you could purchase the item cheaper on the Amazon website.  If you don't shop on Amazon, I recommend that you do (they should pay me for free advertisement).  If you don't have the Amazon app, I recommend that you get it ASAP.  I use the barcode scanning functionality often and  did this for the Huggies refill wipes I purchased at BRU and found that with the sale they were having and coupons I had, I could get them for cheaper at BRU.  I love Amazon for the convenience of free delivery that I get, but since I was at BRU, why not buy refills at a cheaper price?  

Some helpful websites that I suggest are:

* - - If you use Similac, I totally recommend signing up so that you get free samples and coupons.

*  - - Subscribe to Amazon mom. I order my diapers from Amazon for the discount, convenience and automatic subscription which sends me diapers once a month automatically.  You could manage your subscription for various "mom" related items.

What websites and/or subscriptions can you recommend to start saving?



  1. I buy my diapers and wipes from amazon too. y formula I usually go to where ever there have it on sale and plus use those $5 check they send me. Amazon is really cheap if you use their auto re-order.

  2. They drop the diapers off the day after the order is placed. They also don't ship them with UPS, not sure if you noticed, but a guy in a normal car just drops them off. I do the monthly subscription... so convenient. I heart Amazon.

  3. I have never seen them drop the diapers off. But I love their speedy delivery....

  4. I have lots of samples of enfamil if anyone is interested, let me know.... I would hate to throw them away.

  5. Speaking of "NOT" saving, looks like the price of diapers is goin up....

  6. Generic formula saves you some $ too. I used it for both kids and they were fine with it. BTW I now have two accounts on here. I can't get rid of one of them. lol! I also save a lot on diapers now by ordering online thanks to Jo. If you go to,it's part of you can save a lot on household stuff. I got a great deal on our razors. :)
