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Friday, April 29, 2011

Help! I need sleep!

So, your baby won't sleep at 12AM, 1AM, 2AM... or past 5AM.  Now what?  You've tried everything: the swing, the bouncy seat and even your bed.  What are some techniques to try so that you're baby sleeps past 5am? 

P has been known to skip a feeding at 1am and sleep until 4:30am/5am, but he's only 5 weeks old.  Anyone have suggestions for babies who are 8, 9, 10+ months old?


  1. Amanda, can you stick something that he likes in his milk so that he drinks it or save the food he likes for bedtime? How about a bath at night, if you don't currently give him a bath at night? He probably just has a lot of energy like you. I thought you typically woke up at 3am to start off your day anyway.

  2. Amanda maybe try putting him to sleep a little later. That is what we do with Georgios we try to schedule his last feeding at 8:30-9pm so that he is in bed by 10 the latest. He usually falls asleep half way through anyway. Little G isn't sleeping fully through the night yet but this way he sleeps until 2-3am he eats again and the goes to sleep until 7-8. All last week he was sleeping until 5-6am but to be honest I prefer him to wake up for that middle of the night feeding so he isn't skipping a meal because he is so young (9 weeks) still and just on breastmilk. This way he eats at least 6 times a day (every 3 hours from that morning feeding). Five times a day is just not enough in my opinion.

  3. Thanks Sandy! I wish I could say that that works. But the later I put him to bed the earlier he wakes up. I just read a book and a couple people recently told me early to bed late to rise. Im trying that. My mom had him to sleep by 7:30 last night and he was up at 5:30. Thats an improvement. I gonna try to get him down at 6:30 tonight and see what happens. I am trying everything. It's so hard because every baby is different. I am willing to try anything! If this dosen't work I will try later again. With that I have to change his whole schedlue!!! Meals, bottles and naps. Have an idea....Want to borrow him and get him sleeping like georgios?

  4. A cousin of mine with 4 kids recommended Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. Nicholas sounds like he sleeps just fine, but is just an early bird like his mommy. Maybe you could check out the book and see if they have any tips. I haven't gotten it yet, but am looking forward to checking it out. She said she still references it even now that the kids are no longer babies.

  5. Amanda, what time were u putting him down to sleep???

  6. Salvo is 7 months and goes to bed at 830pm and he normally gets up around 6am. This works for me because this is the time I need to wake up anyways to get ready for work.

  7. Generally he goes to sleep aroung 7:30- 7:45. My Dr said he should probaly be sleeping 11 12 13 hours a night at 9 months. Especially for how active he is. I think he has a little clock in him that wakes him up at the same time....Still tired though. Often takes a nap by 730 in the morning. I dont love being up so early, but I am just concerned he is not sleeping long enough, therefor making it long, off schedule, cranky day for him! Thanks for the imput

  8. Wow thats a lot of hours to sleep at nite for a baby. Salvo has a little alarm clock too that goes off at 6am but hes not tired anymore. He normally sits in his crib and talks to himself for 15-30 minutes before he startes screaming for me. Then he normally take and 1 1/2 hour nap around 8am. I wonder how long he should be sleeping.

  9. I am pleased to announce that my son slept from 7:05 to 6:15 last night. He had an 8 oz bottle, cereal and fruit. He woke up talking and playing and very rested. His last nap yesterday was from 2 to 345. Hopefully I can do it the same today and see what happens 2mor. I really don't want him to go to sleep that early. Especially with summer! But until that little clock stays consistant to about 6 630 I am going to try this routine before I throw it off a bit.

  10. Amanda, does he cry at all during the nite? Salvo crys 2-3 times just cuz he wants to see me or he needs to pacifier. He goes to sleep as soon as he sees me. I was just wondering if anyone else baby does that....

  11. Matilda...He actually does do that. Maybe once a night and like you said the second he sees me he goes right back to sleep. Its just so weird that you are so excited when your baby sleeps through the night and then months later it starts up all over again! I think they get dreams now, seperation anxiety, and teeth (the worst part of having a baby so far!) Its so sad. He almost has 4 and I can tell more are coming!

  12. So is waking up a little later now or not really???? When did you start putting him to sleep around 8? I started with Salvo when he was almost 4 months old. But I cant wait til he sleeps through the night and me not have to get up once.
