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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mommies Talk Book Talk!

I started collecting books for baby P long before I knew of baby P. He's only 5 weeks old, so I haven't read every book to him so far. 

He loves his bath book, even though we don't read it in the bath tub yet.  It's a floating book and really cute.  He likes to hit it at his current age, and that's okay since it's foamy and soft.  It's Bath Time by Sandra Boynton (
I just got done reading (well, pretty much singing) Snuggle Puppy a little love song by Sandra Boynton.  I love her books and own many of them. 
Finally, I place this soft book in his crib and he constantly reaches for the floppy pictures, mostly of the dog... I think because the dog is black and white and he could more clearly see the dog.  It unfolds and can go across one side of the crib.  It's called Baby Love (Messages From The Heart) by Sandra Magsamen.

What books do you recommend?


  1. I am Amanda and I have a 9 month old son Nicholas! Even though he likes to eat most of his books.... he spends a lot of time throughout the day flipping through them.
    We like Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton. In this book you will learn how to pronounce Promenade.
    Our favorite is On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman. It brings tears to my eyes everytime I read this book to my son Nicholas.

  2. Amanda, love how you teach him big words. Register so you don't show up as anonymous.

  3. Amanda, I went on Amazon to check out On The Night You Were Born. I was trying to determine if it would make sense to read it to Paolo or if it was geared towards actually carrying the baby until the end type of plot. The 2nd review was from an adoptive mother who said that it's the type of book she could read to her son. Let me know if you don't think it would make sense in my case, but it got awesome reviews on Amazon.

  4. thats my fav book i cry everytime i read it i got it for ur shower :)

  5. I would like to start a blog on helpful advice on how to make Nicholas sleep past 5:00 am!?!?!?

  6. Marg, you got it for my shower or Amanda's? I took it off the registry just in case you meant me :)

    Amanda, that will be today's topic.

  7. Yeah jo i got it for you. I think I got it for amanda too. My advice on todays topic topic is to feed him a big bottle before bed and don't sing to him you probably hurt his ears. I think kids sleep better on full bellies.

  8. amanda until you register I am going to act like I don't know you.
    i am glad the 2 of us could have these conversations Jo. I have no idea who that other woman is.

  9. speaking of songs. I used to sing this song to a little boy sonny I used to watch and he loved it. It has a nice beat and it rhymes!
    Laudy snoop dog!

  10. On full bellies......Margie how do I make my son eat? He is not interested in filling his belly before bed. Any suggestions. I really do have a very challenging baby! :/

  11. So I would also like to talk about trama to the head. Do you think that bumping and falling on your head could be bad for nicholas? He is out of control and has bumps and bruises all over his face. This all happens in the presence of me being there. He is such a boy! He acts like a monkey. Could this effect his brain? Got knows its already bad having me as his mom!!!!!

  12. Amanda what time does ur son go to sleep at nite???
