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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What Did I Just Say??

I catch myself doing and saying things that may be abnormal (well, for those of you who really know me, I guess you'd picture me saying some things I'll mention).  I catch myself forgetting a lot of things. For example, I was out and about the other day and had a taste for Taco Bell, which I normally don't eat.  I called my husband, asked him what he wanted and placed the order.  1) I forgot to hangup my phone after he gave me the order and I said "OK, see you soon" and 2) I forgot half of his order.  Luckily, he was still on the phone and screamed out the rest of his order as I was driving to the '2nd window'.  That's minor, though, because I have a slight feeling you all forget a lot as well.

Today alone, I caught myself saying (singing) certain things to baby P...

1) After his bottle, I was rocking and bouncing him in an attempt to make him nap.  I'll preface the following with "I don't know very many baby songs".  Well, okay, I don't know any other song except for 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star', and I'm not even sure I sing the words to that correctly.  I must have sung TTLS about 99 times before he finally fell asleep. Apparently, I was bored with the original tone of this song because towards the end I found myself rapping the words of the song and actually bouncing as if I was dancing to a rap.  I believe I may have a slight problem!

2) The past couple days, he's been drinking his 6 oz of formula super slow.  It takes an hour to drink his bottle where several days ago, it took about half hour.  He screams for his food, but then 2 oz into it he takes a 5 min nap.  Today, I needed to get a few things done around the house so I kind of wanted him to not take an hour.  I found myself chanting "CHUG CHUG CHUG' to a 7-week old.  I hope this doesn't have long term effects.

What have you been known to do or say that will make me feel better about my situation?


  1. Josie, was anyone home when you were rapping to Paolo???? That would of been funny to see. No I dont chant to my son to finish his bottle. We never had a problem t finish a bottle. However I cant wait to but him to sleep at night. He is very active so come 8 o'clock and hewants to go to bed this is my time to sit back and relax. Am I soooo badthat I want him to sleep????

  2. haha - no, Matilda, but my husband has heard me sing and make up songs plenty of times. It's not pleasant, but it puts my son to sleep, so it works. Truth is, he probably just falls asleep to avoid listening to me anymore ;-)

    He finishes his bottle a majority of the time. It just takes him a little while sometimes. I don't blame you for wanting some quiet time. My son goes to sleep at around 11ish, but that's because he's still on a 4-hour feeding schedule (except he sleeps through his really early morning feeding and wakes up around 6am). He also doesn't crawl/walk yet, so I'm not constantly chasing him around. Good for you for putting him on somewhat of a schedule, even if it changes once in a while!
