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Friday, August 31, 2012


Found this article to be really amusing. During one of P's dr's visits several months ago, I was asked if he knew 10 words (or something close to that). Suddenly, I felt somewhat speechless. I was unprepared to answer this question. I felt like I failed as a mom (well, not really). I mean, to not count and recall every word your child knows prior to a dr visit is just so wrong. Obviously being facetious.

So, I found myself racking my brain trying to think of all the words a 9 month old could possibly know: "papa", "ball", "Paolo" (or more like 'Paaaaooo'). I just couldn't think of 10 words.  Of course after the visit I called my husband, sister and some others who are close to P and asked them to help me think of all the words he knows. My sister made the situation amusing. She definitely mentioned words he did know, but from what I recall, also snuck in some words he definitely didn't know!  Anyway, I wanted to share this blog post. I love one of the comments regarding mompetition. Luckily, I don't know any friends or moms who have tried to have a mompetition with me :)

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