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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What's in a complaint?

Hey everyone! I haven't written in a while.  My SAHM status has been changed to a SAHM while Working status as of 3 weeks ago, so I've been busy creating a schedule for myself that will allow me to be a successful working mommy and wifey.  Anyway, I ran across this blog from mamapedia that I thought I'd share with all of you.  I thought it was interesting and the comments on the article were from a variety of perspectives.  It's fun to read the different views people have on one blog post. The article is entitled, "Stop Putting Down Your Kids".  As most of you know, my little one is about 4 months old. There is nothing that I could "complain" about. I waited and prayed for him, and now that I have him, I will embrace his cries, poopy diapers, crazy feeding schedule and most of all the smiles that he gives early early in the morning! I don't know what it's like yet to have a teenager, but I know if he turns out to be anything like me, then I'll have some obstacles to overcome as a mommy!  Read the blog and tell me your thoughts.  These were my thoughts:

1. Complaining about your kids is totally different than asking for suggestions and recommendations on how to overcome some of life's biggest (or smallest) challenges with children.

2. Nobody listens to someone who complains.We hear the person complaining because they are our friend and we want them to vent and let out their frustrations.  Again, complaining is different than someone letting you know of a serious health problem or something like that... hope you get my point here.  Action is important. If something is truly bothering you, fix it.  Say something.  Do something about it.  Don't complain day in and day out.

3. To piggyback off the blog's message, you would not want your child posting complaints about you on facebook or publicly, so why do that to them?  There are tons of support sites that allow one to be anonymous.  Again, if you need to gain suggestions from other parents (or therapists), then visit those anonymous sites. Everyone needs a venue to voice their concerns and gain suggestions from others.  Personally, I've gone to certain sites such as '' when I had my own obstacles to overcome, and it helped me.

4. Take this message and have it pertain to your significant other.  Not sure about you, but I could careless if your husband leaves the toilet seat up.  Totally none of my business.  Again, take action on it and tell him to "put the damn seat down".

Hope you enjoy the article!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to add that I am no stranger to complaining or venting. I guess in a way, I kind of want to change that behavior going forward, and the blog that was posted on mamapedia has inspired me to do so lol.
