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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Pal Scout - Someone Please Help Me!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I had a shower last weekend. One of the gifts included My Pal Scout, the talking dog.  I will admit, this dog is really cute and I think P is really going to like it.  He talks, and even more beneficial, you could plug it into your computer to program your baby's name and some other information so that he says more meaningful phrases :) 

Well, the past two days my husband has gone into P's room before work to grab some of his clothes (husband's closet is in P's room).  As early as 5-5:30am, I have heard "Ruff Ruff Ruff, take me home and I'll learn your name".  The reason I'm asking for help is because I have a feeling my husband will be playing with all of the talking toys and I will go crazy... just kidding! It's funny to see a 30 somethin' year old guy find these types of toys amusing, especially bright and early in the morning before I've had my first cup of coffee.  These are the types of things I will endure for love.

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