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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sleep training is working!

Happy to report that P is taking less and less time to fall asleep on his own. I followed Super Nanny's tactics and they seem to be working so far. 1st night, as I sat in his room, he tried for 1.5 hours to get my attention by crying and throwing his paci at me. The next night, this occurred for 30 min. Last night, it took about 20 min. It seems to be getting better! Yeah, P!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mommies Talk Sleep Talk...or Walk?

My son Hates really really hates it! He's never thought it was a cool idea to sleep. Now that he's a year, you know, the big ONE year old mark entails many changes. One change, in particular, is enforcing the sleeping rule. It's an easy rule: Go To Sleep. That's the rule. Simple, right? Well, not so simple with P. He wants to play, he wants to jump up and down in his crib, take his pj pants off and throw them on the floor, whip his pacifier across the room, etc. He will do anything not to sleep.

Tonight, with the help of my husband sitting in his room with me in complete silence and the help of deep breathing, I survived the grueling task of putting him to sleep. He fell asleep on his own. It took ONE and a HALF HOURS and a lot of on and off crying, but he did it.

I could read lots of books on tips and tricks, but don't have patience to read about sleep nor do I have time to read a whole book on sleep habits, so, for those of you with awesome little ones that love to play and despise the mere thought of sleeping, what have you found to work, how long will I have to endure his cries for help out of his crib??

*excuse typed on phone