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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Holiday Fun

Little P is approaching his 9 month birthday. I can't even believe we're a few months shy of his first birthday. I feel like it was just yesterday I held him in my arms at the hospital! 2011 has been a great year so far. My dad is doing so much better, and soon after he got out of the hospital, little P was born.  My sister had her baby, so my parents got to call themselves grandparents not once, but twice in one year. More recently, my brother got engaged to his awesome long time girlfriend. We got to celebrate many first holidays with our son, and we're now looking forward to Christmas. I'm sure he'll be more impressed with the wrapping paper on his gifts or even the boxes that they're wrapped in.  And as he opens, or tries to open - his presents, I know that I will be looking at him in awe that he is all mine (well, and D's). 

So, speaking of the holidays, this year was the first year that I did 100% of my Christmas shopping online.  We purchased for all little ones this year, which is super exciting.  I'm a little bummed that we were late in picking "angels" from our church's tree, but glad that my thoughtful brother in-law is holding a toy drive so we could boost some spirits for more little ones this year.

I haven't written a post in several months, but if you have time to comment and post what was on your kid's wishlist this year or your favorite gift purchased, I'd love to hear about it. My Amazon wishlist keeps getting bigger and I'm planning for P's future as he outgrows his toys :)